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Yellow Sapphire (Pukharaj)
Color- Yellow
Planet - Jupiter     The yellow sapphire or Pukhraj stone is one of the most
precious gems on the planet. It carries a host of metaphysical
properties to fill your life with wealth, happiness, and wellbeing.
The stone represents Jupiter, which occupies a
dominant position on the planetary sphere.
Benefits• The Pukhraj Stone protects the wearer from evil and brings
happiness and marital satisfaction especially to women.
• It strengthens an individual's ability to handle ambiguous
•It is known to provide healing powers in ailments of the
kidneys, mouth, rheumatism, cough and fever.
• The powers of a yellow sapphire protect its wearer from an
accidental death.
•It provides peace of mind, courage and happiness.
• It reduces body fat and heals ailments related to the skin and
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