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Billionaires Lift Off
Aboard July 20, Jeff Bezos, the millionaire creator of Blue
Origin, launched into suborbital space with three other
people on the company's New Shepard aircraft, marking a
watershed moment for the man and the space tourism

“Blue Control, Bezos. Best day ever!” Bezos said while in flight.

The autonomous New Shepard, which is made up of a rocket
and a capsule, took off from Blue Origin's Launch Site One in
Van Horn, Texas, at 9:11 a.m. The capsule lifted Bezos, his
brother Mark, 82-year-old aviation pioneer Wally Funk, and
18-year-old Dutch physics student Oliver Daemen 66.5 miles
(107 kilometers) above Earth before landing in the West
Texas scrublands with a parachute-assisted, dust-raising
landing. The rocket returned successfully as well, landing
vertically and powered at its chosen landing zone. The flight
was followed by a thunderous sonic boom and wild shouts
from the Blue Origin employees who were there.
Blue Origin and It’s Crew Set History
The crew included Jeff Bezos, Mark Bezos, Wally Funk, and
Oliver Daemen, who all officially became astronauts When
they cleared the Kármán Line, the globally recognized space

Wally Funk, 82, has set the record for the oldest person to
travel in space.
Oliver Daemen, 18, became the first commercial astronaut to
buy a ticket and travel to space aboard a privately-funded
and licenced spacecraft launched from a private launch
facility. He was also the world's youngest space traveller.
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From the Editor

From the Editor

Kisan Sansad – A Simulation of Parliament session

Kisan Sansad – A Simulation of Parliament session

Bezos Lift to Space

Bezos Lift to Space

TOKYO 2020….1!

TOKYO 2020….1!

The Queen’s Grand Plan

The Queen’s Grand Plan

Meet Rohan Saini - Professional Photographer And Filmmaker
Heart-breaking exit
The Telecom Trepidation
Britney Spears: A Girl with Fears
The Pegasus Scandal

Meet Rohan Saini - Professional Photographer And Filmmaker

Heart-breaking exit

The Telecom Trepidation

Britney Spears: A Girl with Fears

The Pegasus Scandal

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