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UN Report on climate change

A new report was issued on 9 August by the UN appointed Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which summarised the latest scientific evidence on climate change. Some key catches are here.
Blaming Humans
The report says nearly all the heating from pre-industrial periods was caused by heat-trapping gases like carbon dioxide and methane. A large part of the problem comes from people who use fossil fuels – coal, oil, wood, and natural gas.

Dire consequences
The more than 3,000-page research says that glacier melting and already accelerated sea level. Wild weather - from storms to heat waves – is also becoming worse and more prevalent.
Additional warming is locked in because of the already emitted greenhouse gases into the Atmosphere by humans. Even if the emissions are vastly reduced, certain changes for centuries will be "irreversible," the report says.
Paris Goals
Almost all the countries signed the Paris climate agreement in 2015 aimed at limiting global warming, by the year 2100, to 2°C (3.6°F) higher than the pre-industrial average. The agreement states that the rise would ideally only be 1.5°C (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit).
But more than 200 authors examined 5 scenarios to conclude, in the 2030s - sooner than in predictions before, that everyone will see the world cross the 1.5-degree threshold. Temperatures will also increase by 2 degrees Celsius in three of these scenarios.

Some Hope
While many of the reports' forecasts showed a dreadful picture of people's impact on the planet and the implications that will arise, the IPCC found also that "low probability" for so-called tip points, such as catastrophic collapsing ice sheets and the steep downturn in ocean currents, is impossible to exclude.
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